The Power Pack

Within the first few weeks of teaching children to read, you can instantly see which children are going to struggle. Why wait to catch them up? Why not intervene early before these problems are too deep set?

Home learning and in-school support weekly units:

Step by step instructions alongside ready to go activities and resources – simply photocopy the units and, without additional training, you have everything you need to give all children the extra support they need!

Watch author and teacher, Rachel Tabram, explain why early intervention is so important and how the Power Pack works:

Who will benefit from Power Pack support?

  • Children identified with individual needs
  • Those who need extra support to catch-up with their peers
  • Especially appealing to boys; power-up children’s self-esteem as they earn superpowers for each reading and spelling step they master
  • Those children who struggle with any set of phonemes; children can easily join in, no matter when you identify the problem

Reinforce classroom teaching:

  • Mirrors the teaching sequence from The Synthetic Phonics Toolkit but uses one-to-one teaching and small group (4 children) activities
  • Tackles difficulties with phoneme knowledge, blending, segmenting, automaticity and fluency with any set of phonemes
  • Resources are ready-to-go with full instructions so teacher’s aids/parent helpers/learning support can get started right away
  • Uses whole class Synthetic Phonics Toolkit strategies so children are already familiar with games and activities – no wasted time in teaching game objectives and rules

Download the first unit from part one for free!

Your home learning activities all sorted!

  • Allow parents to enter into a literacy partnership with the school
  • Simply put it through the photocopier – no extra time is required from you
  • Employ the same classroom strategies at home with parent friendly step-by-step instructions
  • Skill and educate parents too! Included in the Power Pack are: letters for parents explaining how the program works, a parent’s glossary and simple step by step instructions explaining Synthetic Phonics and the activities

We couldn’t even mention the H word [homework] before but now the Power Pack is the first thing he wants to do when he gets home and we struggle to get him to stop

Bianca Trytsman, Mother of Steve, aged 5

Order The Power Pack online

If you are a school, you can still order online and have the option of paying later by invoice.

Alternatively, download our order form here.

Want some help getting started? Speak to consultant Jessica Elliott-Lawrence telephone 02 8003 3885 or send an enquiry to

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