Christmas Resource: Martian Candy Canes!

In the lead up to the Christmas holidays we’re well aware that Christmas activities are always appreciated – even more so when they’re educational!

Our Martian Candy Cane worksheets are designed to help children practise their camera word recognition, decoding and fluency skills. You can keep it as simple as a phonics rotation activity, or you can create a classroom display, which is also a fine motor skills project, with our bunting instructions below.

Instructions for Candy Cane Bunting:

  • Print Martian Candy Canes worksheet
  • Photocopy one per child
  • Instruct children to colour the camera words red, the decodable words green, and to leave the Martian words white
  • Once coloured in, have the children cut out each of their candy canes
  • Punch a hole in the top of each candy cane
  • Cut a piece of string long enough to be hung from one end of your classroom to the other and thread the candy canes onto the string at even intervals, adhering them with a piece of sticky tape

NOTE: Some teachers string it across the top of their Interactive Whiteboards or display boards.

Yep, it’s as easy as that!

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