Get Reading Right Teacher Books Sample © Get Reading Right 2011 Target representations - r rr wr Lesson 1 of 5 Date: Teacher: What I’m teaching: • Know the most common ways the phoneme /r/ can be represented • Respond to a grapheme quickly and automatically What we’re learning: • We are learning to match some phonemes and letters together to help us read harder words How did we do? • We can recognise graphemes quickly and say the phoneme to match What I need: • Unit 1 Grapheme Cards alongside Basic and Advanced Grapheme Cards from Resource CD • Enlarged Piggy Bank Record Sheet (pg 201) • One set of enlarged Piggy Bank Coins (pg 202) with target and revision graphemes inserted • Piggy Bank (pg 139) Getting ready: Seat children in a grid facing the board. Use the In and Out Differentiation (pg 13) for those children needing to learn extension grapheme-phoneme correspondences. Record of children requiring extra support 18 Ideas for extra support Give the teaching assistant/parent flashcards with the target graphemes inserted. The cards should be placed face-down on the table. The children take turns to turn over the cards and pronounce the phoneme. If they pronounce the phoneme correctly they get a counter. The child with the most counters wins. Unit 1 Tuning in Display the learning intention and success criteria. Display enlarged target Grapheme Cards on the board. Learn with me Display Grapheme Cards on the board. Point to each grapheme and ask the children to say the phoneme aloud. Check the children are pronouncing the phonemes correctly. Point to the grapheme r and remind children that this is a grapheme they should already know well. Introduce the other grapheme representations one at a time. Repeat activity again, pointing to each grapheme and encouraging the children to say the phoneme /r/. Your turn Place the piggy bank on the board. Display all the coins on the board. Review how to pronounce each phoneme. Play Piggy Bank with the whole class. Encourage the children to collect /r/ coins as much as possible. Back together Display target and revision Grapheme Cards. Point to each grapheme in turn. Ask the children to put their thumbs up if it is a way of representing the /r/ phoneme or thumbs down if it represents a different phoneme. Record the names in the box below of any children who are unable to recognise all the three /r/ representations.