Get Reading Right Teacher Books Sample

Home Learning Book It is a good idea to give children a large notebook to keep all the home learning in one place. This will provide a place for children to record extra learning that they may have completed. It is recommended that children glue the ‘ideas’ handouts into the front pages of their home learning book so that parents can refer to them to support their child’s learning. The ideas handouts include: XÍ Home Learning Tips for Parents (pg 12) XÍ Learning Camera Words (pg 14-15) XÍ Learning Phonemes (pg 22) Marking Here at Get Reading Right we believe that teachers should spend their precious time planning the learning process, not marking huge quantities of worksheets. That is why we have included a small section about responding to children’s learning in the parent’s letter. We suggest that you create a stamp that tells parents you have sighted the home learning and recorded its completion. In our classrooms we have made stamps that say things like: XÍ You are trying hard to learn your phonemes! XÍ You must be proud of your learning! XÍ This learning is FANTASTIC! How to Use this Book cont. 6 © Get Reading Right 2011