Not only do we make practical resources which teachers love, we also provide heaps of free resources and professional development so you can get reading right with every child!
Teacher to Teacher brings you insights from the classroom in our free webinars and blog. We also give you lots of free Synthetic Phonics resources and a pronounce the phonemes resource.
This simple activity gets children using their fingers (awesome for fine motor skills) to blend phonemes to spell words! Set Up: Download and print the Pegosaurus Template here. Use a marker pen to write the target graphemes on your pegs, remembering to make a few copies of each grapheme so that children have lots of […]
To celebrate, we have an Easter colouring in sheet for you. From everyone here at Get Reading Right, we hope you have a happy Easter and enjoy the upcoming break! Instructions: Download and print the free resource here. QUICK NOTE: Don’t forget to also check out some of our past Easter resources as well! Read […]
Phonics activities like this card, provide the perfect opportunity for a more subtle reminder. While those little hands are colouring, you are reinforcing the phonemes that the children have already started to learn. Instructions: Print the Valentine’s Day Card here. Photocopy one per student. Have the students colour in their card, encouraging them to write […]
Celebrate Father’s Day with our adorable phonics Father’s Day card, allowing your students to show off their camera word skills. Instructions: Download and print the Father’s Day Card Template Photocopy back to back (one card per child) and hand out Write a list of desired camera words on the whiteboard Instruct the students to read […]